Oktober 2019

Opening: On a daily basis

A collection of responses to mundane attractions and intricacies of plain sight. Pieces gathered from artists of different backgrounds sharing their perception of external and internal environment captured through various processing in their first time participating in a show in Vienna. This exhibition will also showcase narrative and experimental films from the Philippines, reflecting things that happens and can happen within a day.

Group exhibition by

mixes the natural and man made art in the form of botanical sculpture, set design, photography and movie scenes


:Maryan Cadiz:
a zinester from Batangas, Philippines. She currently resides and studies in Vienna. This is her first show.

:Marko Loncarevic:
a video artist working mostly with camcorders. Interested in human body, facial expressions and mental health.

:Judy Fugoso:
artist sensory channel, piecing fragments and sentiments i exploring mediums

:Mariano Batocabe:
Visual artist from the Philippines

Film screening at 21:00
short films(with english subtitles) by

Mariah Reodica
-Apathetic Anaesthetic
-The Last Gig on Earth

Arvin Belarmino
-The Gathering

Lesley-anne Cao
-Subtitles or a love poem in plain language(2017)

Jon Olarte
-Laugh and Die (2016)
-Hollow Blocks (2019)

curated by State Projections