QUEERSPHERE ~ a pride bodypositivity + queer rave


  • Samstag 08. Juni - 09. Juni 2024
  • 23:00 Uhr


QUEERSPHERE ~ a pride bodypositivity + queer rave

Shed your chains and break free from convention! This night belongs to the boundary-pushers, the nonconformists, the free thinkers. Whether queer, non-binary, curvaceous, or muscle-bound – celebrate your body in all its glorious diversity and beauty. Strip away your coverings and dance shamelessly, unfettered by norms!
The dancefloor becomes a stage for a wild revelry of desire and self-expression. The simmering energy of half-naked bodies merges with pulsing beats into an intoxicating vortex of ecstasy. Ready to shatter boundaries and pulverize taboos?

In this space, all are welcome as their authentic selves. Acceptance and respect reign supreme. Every gaze, every gesture is a tribute to the individual. Unleash your true self without restraint!
Here and only here can you reveal yourselves unvarnished and real. A safe harbor for the boldest of souls breaking free from the confines of rigid roles. What are you waiting for? Step into this transformative night of radical self-love!


LUSTER by Schnell & Stabil
kedlkate b2b chaotictopenergy

LASTER by Queersphere
SOROUSH (Ukraine ?￰゚ヌᆭ)
Alex Sharp (Netherlands ?￰゚ヌᄆ)
RANTOM b2b Arman Shadow


No Place for Homophobia | Sexism | Racism | Hate
Clubs in general and „das WERK“ particularly, are a safe space for all of us – a place of development…a place of freedom. We are equal, we move to the same beat. Please note that ONLY the in-house and specially trained photographer of “Das Werk” may take pictures of the guests – but always in consultation and only after a dedicated clearance. No exception!